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I’m 50 Years Old

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I’m 50 Years Old.

Before my 40th birthday I suddenly felt the need to ‘do something’so I hiked from Crested Butte to Aspen. Eleven miles through the mountains, reaching 12,500 feet above sea level over West Maroon Pass…..believe me I can’t believe I did that either. So it’s alright for you to be shocked.

As I hit 50 and on the hunt for something to mark this momentous occasion it occurred to me maybe it didn’t have to be dramatic, maybe it needed to be within. Maybe it was time I owned me.

Age has never bothered me, it’s another year that I got to be me! But I think it’s time to own who and what I am. If I’m asked what I do my natural response is…..

A little of this and a little of that and a whole lot of nothin’

I am very apparent of my flaws. Let’s be honest we all are – we are truly harder on ourselves than any other human could ever be.

But I don’t want to spend the rest of my life dissing me. Because let’s be real-I’m on the downhill slope and I intend to enjoy the ride.

I know I am a wife, a Mom, and a soon-to-be MIL – it’s actually my favorite job!

I always wanted to be a stay at home, work at home Mom and I’m fortunate I was able to be that!


But who else am I, what do I do, what I am capable of.

I’m 50 Years Old

  • I am a blogger.

I love having a place for my words, my thoughts, family recipes. And the fact it actually puts a little jingle in my pocket is icing on the cake – and I love cake!!

  • I am a children’s book author

I may end up being a one-hit-wonder, but it’s one more hit than I had before! I’ve always dreamed of writing a children’s book and the fact that Meet Pete comes from the heart makes the achievement all that much sweeter for me! The small amount of success the book has seen has reached far beyond what I expected.

  • I am a freelance writer. 

Like people pay me to write stuff, I don’t know who is more surprised – me or my English teachers or is it ‘my English teachers or I’?!  This is my November column for DTN, Pause and read please!  HAHAHAH see what I did there!

  • I am a farmer.

That is a title that is hardest for me to call myself. This title holds a lot of sentiment and value to me so calling myself a farmer isn’t easy. But I finally feel like I am an asset to this farm. While I’m under no illusion that it couldn’t run without me, but I believe I am added value!

  • I am an avid nap taker
  • I am a constant unorganized walking disaster
  • I am a donut lover
  • I am a front porch sitter
  • I am a horrible housekeeper
  • I am a cancer survivor

Attitude is Everything, Pick a Good One


I’m me, living my life like I always have but now I’m going to own it!


All images by the incredible Emily at Stella Imaging!

about jent

Hey, I’m Jent!

Farmwife Feeds is my little space to share farm life and home-cooked recipes, from my soul to yours. These are the recipes I cook that my family eats. And while you’re here, stay awhile and see some of the farm. I share what’s real, muddy boots and all, so what you see is what you get. Read more…

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  1. I look forward to reading your tweets every day . I’m a retired farmer , school bus driver . I miss both . I passed 50 sons ago and you stimulate great memories . You go girl !

  2. Jennifer,being an old ex farmer whom has known both sides of your family most of my life I enjoy your Farmwife post and can identify with most of what you post and appreciate your dedication to farming and living a full life. Appears to be an excellent way to document your as well as your families life. A personal diary that makes it all official. Keep it up and I will continue to follow. Sincerely, Ed Pruitt.

  3. Happy Birthday! And many, many happy returns.

    (I feel like I should tell you who I am as I don’t have a blog or facebook page). I’ve followed your blog from some time. I started because I was looking for tips on raising cattle. I kept following because I own a small company and work long, hectic, crazy hours–so I escape to your blog (while at work) sometimes because you make me laugh. My husband and I moved the business from the Midwest to Texas and I really miss corn fields. So you post lots for field photo and that brings a smile to my face.. I love those field photos. You forgot to say you are a photographer.. I spent my birthday in two of the winter pastures fencing off and wrapping trees to keep the goats and my few cows off the trunks. Getting the pastures ready for my tree destroying crew this winter. The only way I would have been happier would be if I could see corn fields in the distance!

    By the way, I THINK it should be my English teachers or me.

    Anyway, Happy Joyous Birthday again. And Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, too!


  4. You are such a joy Jenn. Your rays of sunshine shine all the way up to Alaska, even when the days are long and dark.
    Love ya friend!